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Here at Brooklyn Politico we have certain standard and priorities. We want to take back the 49th Assembly District and all Election Districts that have elected officials that are not doing the people’s work. I am not a “right winger,” “tea bagger” or a republican who only sees a republican in office. I am what you would call a middle of the road republican, with conservative views. How dare you Pee Wee Cip-Cup attempt to represent the people of the 49th Assembly District. This is no joke, stop playing dress up in a grown up world. I’ve seen you at the debates which are packed with your family and friends. The audacity of mentioning school vouchers and education when you dropped out of college. A mind is a terrible thing to waste and Pee Wee you’re the poster boy.
No questions aimed at you, not even from Abbate. He is giving you a free pass, shame on him. If you think you are man enough to be in a race, then Abbate should treat you as such. The only “real” question ever posed to Cipi-Cup was by his chief of staff and she was much too soft on him. Looked like she was going to rip him, but Abbate gave her a look to be quiet, too bad, dumb move on Abbate's part.
Is everyone loosing their minds, why in God’s name are you being treated with kit gloves when you’re an arrogant bastard. We are living through difficult economic times and Abbate’s Chief of staff was correct in her assessment, as a freshman, what could you deliver back to the community. Nothing Moron. Don’t you realized it’s all about seniority, you’re too dumb to understand what she was saying and sadly so was the audience.
When I see you Cipi, I’m reminded of a rehearsed, character from Sesame Street who’s strings are being pulled by Craig Eaton. Come November 2nd when you loose, try and find Craig after he chews off your strings and spits them back into your ugly face. You are No, Marty Golden, Michael Grimm or Peter Abbate. You are Nobody, with a Nothing Background. I pay a mortgage, heating bills which are killing me and a shit load of other bills. Cipi-Cup you cannot relate to me, hell you never even paid payroll taxes. You aren’t a role model for my boys you’re the frigging twink that dropped out of college. For those voting for him. you can have this weirdo, I'll pass and pass with pride.
On November 2nd this Republican will be voting for Abbate, a grown-up who can bring back money to the community unlike cipi-cup.
BK You're the Man!
He's Craig puppet. I thought Eaton was a smart guy this is one dumbass move. He got rid of Trashcan only to be left with a muppet, hehe
That song is HILARIOUS and what you said was on the money. I went to both debates, cipi wasn't asked one fucking question. Abbate is lucky to have a gutsy chief of staff. Hope he appreciates her.
Just keeping it real. Cipi-cup has nothing at all going for himself. No background, my dog has more history than him.
This Republican will be voting for Peter Abbate.
Abbate let cipi-cup take charge not a good idea. This won't hurt his re-election but people will now view him as weak. The district leader from Bay Ridge asked Golden a question, why didn't abbate's district leader ask one. He stood there looking fat and scared. The only one that did not seem afraid was the chief of staff. Hail to the Chief!
She had guts to get up in a GOP strong hold. Her question was the only one asked of pee wee.
Abbate is history!!
Ahha Eaton is supporting you which means all of his candidates must follow his lead. Eaton, not a smart move, THE GUY IS NUTS
Eaton is a genius, I think your NUTS though.
Supporting a fairy queen boy and crazy carl, not a genius in my book
I'd like to see the chief of staff and pee wee debate, I'd bring popcorn for that.
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