Thursday, October 14, 2010

Marty Will Destroy Blue Tie Di Santo. I Predict Marty's Win Will Be A Landslide.


Anonymous said...

There will never be a greater Senator than Marty Golden. The only way his seat is taken is when he walks away.

Anonymous said...

Marty Golden the greatest public elected official who has ever lived, there is no other person who cares about people like he does!

Anonymous said...

Shame on you and Craig for putting up tinkerbelle. He never worked a day in his fucking life. He talks about education and he is a college drop out

Anonymous said...

Marty Golden will win!

Anonymous said...

Marty why the hell did you get involved with this kid. He will loose and make you look like a looser too

Anonymous said...

Nah, Marty is Marty, still love and support Marty, Cip is well cipi-cup LOL.

brooklynpolitico said...

I'll always have Marty's back, however I have to agree with some of these people. This was not a smart move on Marty's part. Lopez, Abbate and the rest of the dems won't forget this. Cipi-cup has proven to be a pain in the ass and you can tell abbate is holding his temper. I predict, they will go after Marty Bigtime and not with a no nothing like Di Santo who they are not backing. Golden is now on their radar.

Anonymous said...

Depends on what happens with the State Senate, BK. I think come election day that will tell us if you are right.